Error message

1804F EnDat2.2 configured but not detected %1 info %4 %5 %6

Cause of error

An EnDat2.2 encoder was configured, but the control could not switch it to the EnDat2.2-Modus mode.
Info contains the following three additional information data:
1) 1: This is about the shaft speed encoder
2: This is about the position encoder
2) Connector offset
e.g. connector offset = 3 and additional info 1) = 2:
Connector X204 is affected
3) EnDat error word

Error correction

- Check MP 118, bit 3:
Is this set, although the position encoder is not an EnDat 2.2 device?
- Checking the selected motor:
Does this motor have an EnDat 2.2 encoder, although the actual motor does not?
Is MP 2206 set incorrectly?
- Checking the status of the EnDat2.2 encoder with the aid of DriveDiag:
Which alarm is pending?