Error message

E1E0 CC%d RDY.x status remains active (safety relay)%.2s

Cause of error

- An error occurred during the watchdog test WD.A.STO of the PL 6xxxFS. A power stage (inverter) is not switched off through the -STOS.A.G or -STO.A.G signal.
- Faulty or missing wiring of -STO.A.G, -STOS.A.G or X71, X72 of the power module (UV, UE)
- Error in parameters of the control of X71, X72 through -STO.A.G, -STOS.A.G in SMP
- Hardware defective

Error correction

- Check the wiring
- Check SMP
- Exchange the hardware
- Generate the service files and notify the Service Department