Error message

E01C CC%d Illegal FS function ERR-ID=%d ObjId=%d Param=%d

Cause of error

- The SPLC program has requested an illegal safety function over PP_AxGrpStateReq in the ApiToSafety (symbolic memory interface of SPLC to the core safety software SKERN).
ERR-ID = Exact information
ObjId = Axis group causing the error
Param = Depends on the ERR-ID
402: A direct change is requested from the safety function SLS_4 or SLI_4 into the safety function SLS_2, SLI_2, SLS_3 or SLI_3. This direct change is not allowed.
Parameter = Requested safety function

Error correction

- Check the ERR ID:
401 - Switch off the drives between the change of safety function and request SOS for at least one cycle.
402 - See 401
- Inform your service agency