



Program Continuation:

Axis %1 contour monitoring

%1 = Axis name, spindle number

The NCK calculates for each interpolation point (setpoint) of an axis the actual value that should result based on an internal model. If this calculated actual value and the true machine actual value differ by a larger amount than given in the machine data 36400 CONTOUR_TOL, then the program is aborted and the alarm message is issued.

The alarm can be reprogrammed in the MD ALARM_REACTION_CHAN_NOREADY (channel not ready).

-    Mode group not ready.

-    The NC switches to follow-up mode.

-    Channel not ready.

-    NC Start disable in this channel.

-    Interface signals are set.

-    Alarm display.

-    NC Stop on alarm.

-    Channel not ready.

Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.

Check whether the tolerance value set in MD 36400: CONTOUR_TOL is too small.

Check optimization of the position controller (Kv factor in the machine data 32200 POSCTRL_GAIN) to establish whether the axis follows the given setpoint without overshooting. Otherwise, the speed controller optimization must be improved or the Kv servo gain factor must be reduced.

Improvement of speed controller optimization Check the mechanics (smooth running, inertial masses).

Clear alarm with the RESET key in all channels of this mode group. Restart part program.

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