



Program Continuation:

Channel %1 block %2 channel-specific protection zone %3 incorrect. Error code %4

%1 = Channel number %2 = Block number, label

%3 = Number of the channel-specific protection zone %4 = Error specification

There is an error in the definition of the protection zone. The error number gives the specific reason for the alarm. The following meanings apply:

1: Incomplete or conflicting contour definition.

2: Contour encompasses more than one surface area.

3: Tool-related protection zone is not convex.

4: If both boundaries are active in the 3rd dimension of the protection zone and both limits have the same value.

5: The number of the protection zone does not exist (negative number, zero or greater than the maximum number of protection zones).

6: Protection zone definition consists of more than 10 contour elements.

7: Tool-related protection zone is defined as inside protection zone.

8: Incorrect parameter used.

9: Protection zone to be activated is not defined.

10: Incorrect modal G code used for protection zone definition.

11: Contour definition incorrect or frame activated.

12: Other errors not specified further.

-    Correction block is reorganized.

-    Interface signals are set.

-    Alarm display.

Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. Modify definition of the protection zone and check MD.

Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.


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