



Program Continuation:

Channel %1 block %2 REORG abort caused by log file overflow

%1 = Channel number %2 = Block number, label

In order to synchronize the preprocessing run and the main run with REORG, the control accesses modification data which are maintained in a logfile. The alarm indicates that no more capacity is available in the logfile for the specified block in the channel.

-    Interpreter stop

-    NC Start disable in this channel.

-    Interface signals are set.

-    Alarm display.

Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. No remedial measures are available for the further execution of the current part program, however:

1.    Reduce log file size requirement by:

Reducing the distance between the preprocessing and the main run via appropriate preprocessing stops STOPRE.

2.    Increase the size of the logfile by means of the channel-specific machine data:

Modify MD 28000: MM_REORG_LOG_FILE_MEM and

Modify MD 28010: MM_REORG_LUD_MODULES Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program


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