



Program Continuation:

Channel %1 block %2 invalid read access to %3 while in motion synchronous action

%1 = Channel number %2 = Block number, label %3 = Source symbol

In a motion synchronous action, the displayed variable must not be entered as a variable that is to be read on-line, i.e.

1.    The displayed variable must not be written to the left of the comparison in a motion synchronous action. Only selected variables are permissible, e.g. WHEN $AA_OVR == 100 DO ....

2.    In a motion synchronous action, the displayed variable must not be used as a $$ variable, e.g. WHEN $AA_IM[X] >= $$P_AD[1] DO ... DO $AC_VC = $$P_F

3.    The displayed variable must not be programmed as an online evaluated parameter of a synchronous procedure, e.g. DO SYNFCT(1, $AC_PARAM[0], $SA_OSCILL_REVERSE_POS2[Z])

-    Correction block is reorganized.

-    Interface signals are set.

-    Alarm display.

Modify program.

Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.


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