



Program Continuation:

Channel %1 block %2 arithmetic variable %3 not defined

%1 = Channel number

%2 = Block number, label

%3 = Source string arithmetic variable

Only the R parameters are predefined as arithmetic variables. All other arithmetic variables must be defined with the DEF instruction before being used. The number of arithmetic parameters is defined via machine data. The names must be unambiguous and may not be repeated in the control (exception: local variables).

-    Correction block

-    Interface signals are set.

-    Alarm display.

Press the NC Stop key and select the function "Correction block" with the softkey PROGRAM CORRECT. The correction pointer positions on the incorrect block.

Define the required variable in the definition part of the program (possibly in the calling program if it is to be a global variable).

Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.

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