- You can download the installation file here (PC software-programming station)
- Create a directory in which to extract the downloaded file.
- Open the Directory 340594_002_SP4-(according to the downloaded version)
- Run Setup. exe
- Select the English or German installation language.
- Select Next, I agree with Lic. Terms, install, then finish and restart the computer.
- Run TNC640 programming station.
- The screen resolution must be set. -Run TNC Control Panel (at the bottom of the clock)

-click on the More

-click on Settings-the menu with the Dispeje setting is displayed and the keyboard is set to the resolution 1024×768

- Restart and run TNC640 programming Station
- Clear errors and translate PLC-twice Press the CE key
- Setting up the Czech language
-program edit
-mod-Enter password 95148

-Softklavesa Config data

-click on System
-click ENGLISH from the Select CZECH

-STORE Now we have the system switched to Czech.